One of the most dangerous threats to those operating a vehicle on Las Vegas roadways is distracted driving. Distracted driving can take various forms, but all can lead to devastating consequences. Unfortunately, there are many common driving distractions that cause accidents in Las Vegas, NV. Distracted driving can occur when an individual pulls their eyes from the road or takes their hands off the wheel.

These situations are not always victimless, and people can receive horrific injuries and even die due to simple distracted driving. In the past, driving under the influence of drugs and alcohol was the largest source of reduced driving ability. However, in the digital age, the usage of cell phones while driving has left room for major concern. Because a driver can be distracted for a litany of reasons, accidents of this nature are a common occurrence.

Common Driving Distractions That Cause Accidents In Las Vegas, NV

Top Categories and Kinds of Distracted Driving That Cause Accidents

Across the nation, there are three main categories that a distracted driving situation can fall into. These include the following:


There are various situations that can pull your eyes from the road and onto something else. Some of these situations may include passing a car accident or reading a billboard or other form of signage or advertisement. Other visual distractions can take place inside your vehicle, like:

  • Checking the radio to see what song is currently playing
  • Searching for an item on the floor or in the backseat
  • Looking at a passenger

When you take your eyes off the roadway, there is a greater chance that you will miss posted signage, like speed limits or stop signs. You may also not notice a change in the flow of traffic or how another vehicle is acting in your vicinity. These can all increase your chances of experiencing a collision that results in personal injury or death.


This type of distraction often involves removing your hands from the wheel of your vehicle. This can occur when you are:

  • Changing radio stations
  • Reaching for items within your vehicle
  • Eating or drinking
  • Texting or engaging in some other use of a cell phone
  • Adjusting temperature controls on your vehicle

These activities can be dangerous when driving, as they will add to the time it takes you to respond to hazards on the roadways or take evasive action, like swerving to avoid debris. It is crucial to keep your hands on the wheel at all times while driving.


These kinds of distractions involve taking part in any activity that takes your mind off driving and places your attention on something else. This can include driving while upset, exhausted, or under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs. Other cognitive distractions may include singing along to songs on the radio, road rage, daydreaming, or speaking with another passenger in the vehicle.

Any of these activities can lessen your reaction time and keep you from recognizing hazards, other vehicles, posted signage, traffic lights, or other roadway conditions.

Ways to Limit Distractions While Driving

To ensure your safety and that of others on the roadways, there are various ways that you can limit the distractions you may face while driving. These include:

  • Finish all meals, snacks, or personal grooming, like doing your hair and/or makeup, before getting into your vehicle to drive.
  • Adjust your GPS to the correct setting or destination before starting your journey.
  • Adjust the radio, temperature controls, or mirror before you begin to drive.
  • Secure all pets and/or children before leaving for your journey, or pull over if you need to do so while traveling.
  • Store all necessary possessions or objects in a secure place to keep them from rolling around or falling while driving.
  • Keep your electronics out of reach and if you have a passenger, ask them to handle any incoming texts or calls.
  • If you need to use your phone, pull over to a safe place before doing so.

To drive safely and mitigate your chances of causing an accident due to distracted driving, you must give your undivided attention to the road.

The Consequences of Distracted Driving

Distracted driving can result in a multitude of consequences, some potentially dangerous and life-threatening. Drivers found guilty of distracted driving actions can find themselves facing fines, jail time, points added to their driving record, or even having their license revoked.

Distracted driving can also lead to the personal injuries of other innocent victims. From minor scrapes and bruises to traumatic brain injury or spinal cord damage, the medical and physical harm can be extensive and may even result in death. Additionally, victims and their families might suffer emotional pain and suffering, like PTSD or other mental health issues that stay with them long past any physical injury.


Q: What Type of Distracted Driving Causes the Most Accidents?

A: According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, in 2022 alone, 3,308 people were killed in a car accident involving distracted driving. Texting and driving accounted for a majority of these accidents. Texting and driving may be illegal, a move made to lower the number of accidents caused by this kind of distraction. However, the unfortunate reality is that it still takes place across Nevada and the rest of the country.

Q: What Are Five Common Distractions That Drivers Experience When Driving?

A: In Nevada, the five most common distractions that drivers experience when operating their vehicles on the roadways are:

  • Using their cell phones
  • Daydreaming or zoning out while driving
  • Rubbernecking, or allowing themselves to look at and be distracted by objects or incidents happening outside their vehicle, like a car accident
  • Interacting with the stereo, temperature control system, or GPS
  • Adjusting mirrors or seat positions

Q: What Is Highway Hypnosis?

A: Highway hypnosis, otherwise known as “white line fever,” is a mental state that can take place while operating a motorized vehicle. In this condition, a person can drive lengthy distances in a safe manner without any recollection of actually doing so. When an individual finds themselves in this state, their mind is fully focused somewhere other than the road.

Q: What Is the Most Serious Distraction While Driving?

A: Since the rise of the digital age, in a world where everything is easily accessible, texting and driving has surpassed driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol as the most serious driving condition. Texting and driving offers a combination of manual, visual, and cognitive distractions, making it the most serious and most dangerous kind of distracted driving.

If You Are Injured Due to Distracted Driving, Easton & Easton, LLP, Is Here to Help

If you or someone you love has been injured or even killed due to the distracted driving of another individual, you deserve the chance to file a claim for compensation for any damages that may have resulted. Following a car accident, it is prudent to retain the services of a trusted personal injury lawyer. They can help you determine the right course of action while seeking to file a claim.

At Easton & Easton, LLP, we understand how scary these situations can be and how devastating they are if you have lost a loved one due to a distracted driving accident. We want to ensure that you have someone who can fight for your rights and advocate for the justice you deserve. Whatever your situation may be, you don’t have to face these legal matters alone. Contact our offices today.